Info Page

General FAQ:

1.Do you have PayPal accounts?
NO,we don’t have, we have no ability to accept paypal as payment option right now.
2.Where do you ship from?
All packages are shipped from hk,china.(usps/fedex special channels to worldwide)
3. How is your product packaged?
The products are packed in special foil bag with labels, There is chemical name or catalog number of the product and quantity on each label, Please pay attention to the name on the label as it is different  from chemicals IUPAC name
4. What are these products for?
The products available on our website are experimental chemicals that are used for scientific research purposes ONLY, in laboratories equipped according to the latest standards imposed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry! Research should be conducted by certified chemist with a proper license! THE CHEMICALS OFFERED BY OUR COMPANY ARE STRICTLY NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION & SHOULDN'T BE USED FOR VETERINARY PURPOSES! This class of chemicals has undergone virtually no human or animal toxicity studies and there is little to no data on possible long or short term problems.
5. Is it legal?
The products we sell are unregulated in the most countries we ship to. We try to follow up all of the up-dates, although we can't guarantee the legality of all the products in your country. We wouldn't recommend placing any orders unless you are 100% sure about its legal status in the destination country. 
You are more than welcome to provide us with additional sources on regulative matters concerning our products, please write us an email at:

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